Monday, April 09, 2012

Books...and some trivia

Two weeks back I mentioned in an entry that I was reading a book. A day or two after that, I finished reading it and went to look for 'The Art of Travel', like I said I would. I guess the book was out too long ago that by now I can't find them on the shelves already, so I got another piece of the same author's work instead.

'The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work'.

It's more like an introduction to some jobs, like what they do, how they do it and what it is like behind the scenes. Quite good I'd say, but I'm constantly switching between it and another book while at it. 

I read a part of that, and then I get back to a book I've been reading slowly since a while ago. That one's a semi-religious one. It was written by a South Korean Buddhist monk, but instead of being a very religious book, it was more about his life as a student at Havard and his travelling stories. 

Simple, somewhat inspiring and nice.

Just today while I went to a bookshop again to collect a CD that I had forgotten to redeem when I purchased a book a while ago, I bought two books again. Both autobiographies. 

One of them was 'The Uncharted Path' by South Korean president Lee Myung Bak.

This photo of him reminds me of a friend's dad!
Here's an interesting tidbit. In 2007 when I went to South Korea for a week, there were banners/posters of the candidates who were running for the president at the election that would take place a few days after I leave for home. I remember pointing out that Lee Myung Bak seems like he'd make a good president, just by the looks.

The banner which had 'won my support' back then.
Probably because he looks like the father of a childhood friend of mine? Ha ha. I was told, at that time, by our tour guide that the 'then candidate #2' was indeed the hot candidate most likely to win the election.

I left Korea on the 15th of December, and four days later, on the 19th, he was elected and announced as the new president of South Korea. I have good instincts, perhaps? :)

Anyway, back to the topic. The second book I bought today was one I came across while browsing through the above autobiography. It was placed on the neighbouring shelf and it caught my attention right away. 

My mum just said Porntip looks more
like a Chinese than me!
'Dr Porntip Rojanasunan: The Dead Do Talk'.

Should I mention that I once thought of becoming a forensic scientist(Yeah, broad field. I didn't specifically thought of pathology). Far-fetched? Well, I loved detective and investigation stuff.. and I guess I watched to much TV. 

Actually, I've always wondered how true and trustworthy autobiographies are, because I know no matter how careful we try to be, we'd somehow tend to describe ourselves as who we hope to be instead of who we really are. But I guess I'll be reading these books like how I would read a fictional one- just to enjoy reading and learning. That way, I guess it wouldn't matter how accurate or not the contents are. 

Books and TV definitely make me happy! :)


  1. You've been reading a lot of biographies!

    1. Yeh? Including Steve Jobs' you mean? I didn't really manage to read a lot of that one. Haha
