Sunday, October 14, 2012

An Update, Finally!

I believe the lack of updates explained how busy I was. Now that my one week break has started, I'm here to say I'm still alive

It's actually pretty scary to know that we've already gone through seven weeks of our first semester. It was just a blink of an eye, and we're already half way through. Maybe because we're so busy, every week seemed to just flew by. For now, I'm still good. Like I said, one at a time. Nothing is easy anyway. ;-)

This is going to be a long entry as I don't want to split everything into multiple entries. So, I guess I shall break them into subtopics below:

Pet Behavioural Class
Last Friday, on the 5th of October, we had a guest speaker for Pet Behavioural class. After telling us about reptiles, he took us to the animal house at our university. I actually didn't know that there was such a place in our campus before our 'tour' to the animal house. There were birds, snakes(quite a few of them), spiders(yeah?), cockroaches(for real, roaches!), a bunny, tortoises, adorable baby mices, and two cute lil chicks that belong to our guest speaker's son.

Too bad I didn't manage to get a shot of the chicks looking at the
I spotted three very adorable baby mice, and was admiring them without remembering that the guest speaker, Dr. Saga had said that they'll be feeding the snakes with the mice! It was kinda too late when I remembered that the mice will be dying really soon - right in front of my eyes - as I was already attached to them (well, in a way). 

They took the mice by the tail and slammed them on the ground....and threw them into the snakes' cage *eeeeeekk!* ...and we saw the snakes eating them, really slow---ly (because although the mice were little baby ones, the snakes were also the small ones, only slightly bigger than my thumb, but longer, of course). I got emotional at that sight, especially because one of the mice was not unconscious when it was being strangled to death by the snake. :-(

Worse still, I even took a photo of them because they were so cute! Now I have the
very last(possibly even the first and only) picture of them while they're still alive.
I know it's the food chain, but killing the mice just to feed the snakes is just too...cruel! Grown mice are mated to get baby mice to feed snakes. Which means, those baby mice were born to be eaten. How cruel is that! 

Oh well. Gotta get over it. 

Killer Assignments 
Uni students know how deadly assignments can get. Journals after journals, reports after reports, reviews after reviews. 

So glad I managed to force myself to stay away from last minute work. Gotta say that's the first time ever in my life I've managed to finish work a few days before the due date (yes, see how lazy a person I used to be. In fact I still am! *sigh*).

Smiley face from the lecturer. How cute a lecturer is that!
As we're not very familiar with the format, everything was confusing. We were asking our lecturers over and over again how to get them right, but nothing seemed to get clearer. It was trial and error, for me. I thought I'd just go with what I thought was right, and in the end my grades will tell me whether I did them the right way.

Glad to say that so far, the grades I've gotten back were not too bad. However, thing is, I actually thought that the way I've done the first major assignment wasn't right so, I used a different style in the second piece of work. But apparently, the first piece of work was a good one. Which now means that the second one might not be right. ahahaha PHAIL. But oh well, trial and error. ;-) 

Participating in Experiments
Our lecturers and seniors keep telling us that it is beneficial to participate in our seniors' experiments because when it's our turn to do it, we'll at least have an idea how it should be done. For me, though, even if it wasn't beneficial, I'd love to participate in lots of them! 

Proof shot of our first experiment at the observation lab. Happy white mice!
It's funny. I like to be experimented. haha. Actually, it's because I'm curious how we react/behave/respond in different situations. I learn by observing myself in the experiments and by getting to know the results of our seniors' experiments.

I've done two or three so far. Fun, I must say. I'm a happy white mouse. Ha!

Korean class
I can't multi-task, but I'm happy I've not missed a single class yet despite being busy even during the weekends. I've honestly had thoughts of skipping classes because I needed more time to work on uni work, but I'm glad I didn't skip.

I found that Korean classes never fail to make my day. One day, especially, I was extra stressed due to the huge pile of work. I went for class, and we were taught to play a traditional Korean game called Yut Nori, in conjunction with the Korean Thanksgiving Day (the mid-autumn festival in Chinese tradition).

It was fun! Simple, but at least it took away the stress from uni work for the moment. :-)

Korean Club Year-End Party: Running Man!
Just last Thursday, the last day of classes before the break, our uni's Korean Club had its year-end party, and thanks to the organisers, we had the chance to play Running Man!

Like most Survivor fans, I as a Running Man fan have always dreamt to play Running Man. Best opportunity would be to participate in the REAL Running Man.. which is impossible unless I become famous like Lee Yong Dae (not on Running Man yet, but I hope one day he will be on it), Park Tae Hwan and Son Yeon Jae. If you don't know who these people are, look them up! ;-)

So since I'm not famous, getting to play Running Man nicely organised by someone else is satisfying enough.

It was one of the best ways to start the one week break from uni, especially for a Running Man fan. Fun, exciting, funny, and tiring. My legs still hurt from running around the not-so-small campus. But I'm happy.  

Thank you organisers! 

Finally... Movie Time! 
Went for my well-deserved movie session. Watched The Thieves, as recommended by my Korean tutor. It was not bad, and it sure feels different to be watching a Korean movie now that I can understand the language (the last Korean movie I watched at the cinema was Tsunami in Haeundae, a few years ago). 

Malaysian actress Angelica Lee (李心潔) and Hong Kong star Simon Yam (任達華) starred in the movie, alongside the Korean actors (which included Kim Soo Hyun!). So yeah, you can expect some English, Mandarin and Cantonese besides Korean in the movie. Not too bad, really. Pretty entertaining. 

First time watching a movie at IOI with a long-time friend and her
My favourite line in the movie: We specialise in miracles [yes, in English] - Macao Park.

Ah yes, speaking of movies, besides War Horse, we also watched another old movie called 50 First Dates during uni classes. Movies during classes, me likey. 

Thanks for reading
That's a LOT of updates! Sorry for the long entry. There's just so much to say. 

Now, I'll just enjoy my one week break as much as I can. When classes start again, it'll be another seven weeks, and the first semester at uni will end. 

I hope the lengthy post didn't bore you. ;-)
For this one week, time, please slow down a little. After that, you can fly. Just fly. :-) 

Hope you guys out there are having a good time! Thank you for your time. 

Stay well!