Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Group Work

There's something in social psychology called the social loafing. It's a tendency for people to put less effort into a simple task when working with others. It is easier for the loafers to hide laziness when working in a group. Therefore, apparently, lazy people tend not to do well when working with others, but they do well when on their own.

Hmm. I'm extremely lazy, but I'm definitely not a loafer.

I work harder in groups, because I think if I'm in a group, I'm not just responsible for myself, I'm also responsible for everyone else in the group. But when I'm doing work alone, I'm only responsible for myself. If I screw it, it does no harm to anyone else other than myself. That's why I work harder in groups than I do alone. 

I'm weird different that way.

And I don't like group work. People are not easy beings to deal with. Group work me no likey.

Just saying though. I'm fine. ;-)

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