Sunday, October 12, 2014


I've never been so thankful that I understand Korean language... (well maybe not, but yeah I really am extra thankful this time). 

Roy Kim's second album was released on Wednesday. Needless to say I've listened to all the tracks - not to mention over and over and over again. The first two songs I listened to (the only two that currently has a music video) made me tear up. At some point in the song, tears just came out and continued to fall without stopping. 

Magnificent music video of aurora taken by Korean photographer Kwon O Chul.
Not the kind of I'm-so-touched kind of tears (though I am touched), but more of the lyrics that seemed to hit the spot in my heart/soul at the very moment. Being all stressed up with university yet staying calm on the surface, the lyrics probably broke me down instantly. 

Currently I'm just so thankful that by now I'm proficient enough at Korean to feel the message in the songs. Translations may convey the messages, but nothing works as well as understanding it through the original lyrics in Korean. Man, I can't even pick a favourite or least favourite track from the album. They're all equally good. I have to say that's a first for me. 

If you're having a hard time, I recommend you this album - HOME. Second full-length album by Roy Kim. Title track 'Home' is a must-listen for people who need some comfort. Works best if you understand Korean.

Home sweet home. 
Thank you, Roy. 
Please always stay well, you all.

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