Friday, September 30, 2011


People want happiness.

As we grow older, we sometimes look back into our younger days and exclaim at how carefree those days were. Those were happy days, but I wonder if those were good ol'days just because we were free from excessive worries, like those we have now, maybe about the future.

Since we can never turn back the time, nor deny the fact that life is full of challenges, perhaps learning to find happiness in the worst situations, will bring us true joy.

Being happy when we're trouble-free is an easy thing. It's true we should be happy with every second of bliss, but we cannot expect life to always be that smooth. If life gets tougher the older we get, we'll have to find a way - probably a higher level of happiness - to not lose our smiles in the storm.

Something like, in Nintendo's Pokemon games, some 20 HPs works fine during the beginning stages; but as we advance further into the story, we'll need more HPs to survive - even an attack by a wild Pokemon. (Jee, why am I talking Pokemon here!)

Anyway, maybe I shouldn't be too satisfied with the small little joys I have, just not to the extend that I give up everything for it, because it just mightn't be eternal(or permanent, or strong enough to survive hardships). Small little joys are what we collect to remind ourselves that happiness can be very simple, not what we hold on to by sacrificing the many other dreams we may have.

I don't know why I'm talking about this, but it just came to mind while I was showering just now (you know, great ideas tend to bloom in the bathroom, it seems).

So yes, it's the last day of September now. Time to wake up now that September's ended. 

This is my 11th post of the month (I don't know why but I'm still keeping to that weird little habit of posting 11 entries every September. Makes me - and my birth date - special, doesn't it? ;D).

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