Thursday, October 06, 2011

For Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)

So Steve Jobs passed away.

I probably shouldn't be writing this, but I noticed I needed to, as usual, to remember this day. Besides, this is my personal blog and I don't have many readers, anyway. So this doesn't count as attention seeking, does it? ;)

And I even removed this update on Facebook.
Anyway, there's a Chinese proverb I know that goes this way, "Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than a mountain, or lighter than a feather." (人固有一死,或重於泰山,或輕於鴻毛)

The late Mr Jobs must be the former. Really. Like really; for he had lived a very meaningful and productive live. That's what I respect about him - the life he lived and the words he said.
Coincidence much? The cover of one of mum's latest books.
I had it designed last year, with the photo of an apple taken at the orchard we went to during our trip to Hokkaido, Japan back then.

Speaking of coincidences, would it be too fake if I said Steve Jobs appeared in my dream last night?

Truth is, I did dream of him last night.

In the dream, I was watching Jobs giving a motivational speech at a university (and in fact I've never, at all, watched videos of his speeches before). He looked chubbier in the dream than on his recent photos, and that caught me wondering(in the dream) why that person before my eyes looked more round-faced than the one I knew from pictures online.

Then, I was shocked to see his older photos just now, when he was indeed not as lean as he seemed these days. (That photo of him on the left, was something like the man in my dream last night.)

..and now I'm curious what the exact time was when he left. Last night, when I had the dream, might be it, yes?

Maybe if I add some superstition to it, it could be a message for me, to be more motivated in all the good things I do. :D

On Apple's homepage today.
Whatever the reason is, superstitious, coincidence, both, or neither, I am one of the kazillion people praying for Mr Jobs, his family, his friends, and the world; today.

Rest in peace.

..and I even thought it was a nasty prank when I saw only the headline on my phone this morning. Sorry.

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