Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Just wondering ; )

Generally, in school, people are often said to be the type who are good at science and maths, or at languages/linguistics. I'm often told that I'm categorized under the latter. Well, there's obviously no reason I could deny that. Not because I'm a language genius, I'm just a lot weaker at science and particularly, maths.

If it is true that science-maths geniuses are handicapped at languages and vice versa (which I sort of agree up till now), they should be proud to be that excellent in their field, so I wonder if the science-maths people would also look at language geniuses as amazing, geniuses? Or would they just think that language is nothing put a piece of junk?

Just wondering, because I think people who are real good at science and maths are geniuses - though I don't excel in languages and linguistics that much than them, than they comprehend science and maths better than I do.

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.
- Ralph Marston
Oh, yes, maybe. Oops.


  1. Well if I had to stereotype I would say that any non-science area would be looked down upon by these 'geniuses'.

    Here's where we differ though- I don't see them as geniuses. Maybe because I find it hard to call someone who wouldn't respect my field a genius?

  2. No, not yet. I wrote that without thinking that they don't respect our field. If you were to say that earlier, I would have thought otherwise. I can't bother to think they're good if they don't 'respect' our field (I stress on the word 'respect').
