Today, I got up from bed earlier than usual, just to spend more time on the last day as a teen. The moment I woke up, I thought of this day last year. Time sure flew. It felt like it was just awhile ago that I had came back from my Japan trip.
Anyway, this morning, I watched a movie - an old one - on TV, which coincidentally, was a Japanese movie, 20th Century Boys. Guess the day wanted to start itself completely Japanesely to remind me of its form last year. After the movie, we had Japanese lunch. That honestly wasn't preplanned at all, either.
Basically, today was quite a meaningful day for me. The whole day tons of flashbacks hit me. My last day as a teen. I never viewed this 'leaving teens' thing seriously before, not until a friend's birthday on the 8th, it just hit me that I was so close to losing the word TEEN in my age number. I thought it didn't mind; but today clearly I felt it. SO MUCH.

Why exactly, I don't quite know, as till now I still tell myself that becoming an adult is what you say on your 21st. Perhaps because people had been constantly telling me "you're leaving your teens".
However, though, I don't have any plans for celebrations tomorrow. It's going to be just another day, anyway. My younger brother, when heard me complaining about becoming old soon, said, "So what?! You're growing older every second!"
Somehow I had been thinking whole day about a meaningful/memorable thing to do tomorrow, to note the day I turn TWENty. Now as I'm writing this, I guess I sorta want to just live it by ordinarily. It's the inside and the quality of life that matters, anyway. Though probably I'm only hoping to have it quietly just so I don't feel the you're twenty thing so much.

A birthday celebration, probably, like any other grand celebrations, is just a moment of grandness and partying. After that, everything's over - and you feel the emptiness. Well, in a way.
So, okay then. Till 06:28:59 GMT+8:00 tomorrow, I AM NINETEEN. A proud nineTEEN.
Be proud to be a TWENTY too! =)