Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today, I'm 20

Now, I'm officially 20! An adult, as they say.

As I said in last night's entry, I then decided to have my 20th birthday like any other ordinary days. So basically, today wasn't special if you're talking about birthday celebrations and sorts, but to me - deep inside, emotionally - it sure was different.

It seems my Hotmail theme doesn't only change according to weather/time,
it even changes on my birthday! Look at those fireworks! Pretty!

Here I guess I should warn you, my dear reader, of a granny-like post below. I'm not sure but if you couldn't understand why I'd think this way(as I will write below), I probably really am a person who can't be easily understood.

Here's part of what I wrote when the emotion became really strong, suddenly, at 3.13am today,
I guess this is the first time in 20 years, besides this day in 1991 when I was born, that I had tears on my birthday.

Looking at the things around me, I feel so extremely thankful for all that I have. I'm grateful for everyday, I wake up healthily and peacefully. I'm grateful as well, for when I open my eyes every morning, I still see my loved ones and my precious possessions in whole by my side.

This day, nineteen years ago.

Today, I want no celebrations. I only want to thank God for 20 healthy, peaceful years; mum and dad for everything they've given me all these years; and all those around me for their sincere wishes.

Actually, ordinariness - is bliss.
Now, I noticed that I'm appreciating every moment of life. This, maybe most may call it emotional(or sentimental), was what I had none of last year - at least about life.

I have no idea what planted such thought in me. It was like tick! and I felt that way. I even wonder if I'll still think the same about my birthday next year. It's just, apparently, what I thought and how I had my birthday this year.

In the morning, gratitude was paid to God. Then for lunch and dinner, we ate out at some restaurants nearby. There was a cake for the day, though, despite the simplicity. Probably they somehow felt sorry for not buying me a cake on the day I turned 18, two years ago. So at night after dinner, the four of us at home gathered around a table with the cake. Birthday song sung, birthday wishes made, candles blown, cake cut and eaten.

All in all, it was an ordinary day, where I thought I valued my parents' - especially mum's - feelings more than mine. People say you feel this way when you've matured, but I guess it's still too early to conclude anything in my case. It could just be a sudden thought that probably wouldn't last till my next birthday.

Anyhow, that was how I marked this day I left my teens. Now, I'm 20 - and a whole new journey is about to unfold. May I face the obstacles in life more steadily now that I'm no longer just a teen.

Last but not least; Happy Birthday, my dearest Lee Yong Dae!

Simple it may be, but the fact that I share the same birthday as someone I adore this intensely shall not be forgotten. (Oh yes, I watched him played the finals in Taipei, on TV, this afternoon. He didn't win, though. Fantastic ordinary birthdays for us, eh!)

Did I bore you with this entry? Well, if I did, I warned you about it being granny-ish. ;)


  1. Thank you, Jamin^^ Appreciated.

    May I ask, what brought you here to follow this blog? I'm curious :)
