Maybe I wasn't quite right, because as I grew I learned that everything we do in life - whether or not we see its meaning - are done for a purpose.
To make things simple, I'd say, perhaps sometimes, we just have to do things that we are unwilling to, and for the moment the whole thing would seem so completely meaningless that we can't help but grumble over it; then often putting the blame on life.

Why am I saying this out of a sudden? I always want everything I do to be something useful for the future. Maybe I merely successfully convinced myself that even the days I simply lie around at home doing nothing are important little pieces that may lead to something big in the time to come, but I truly believe in it (indeed, regardless if it was just, only something I convinced myself to). Why not, I guess 'doing nothing, but with hope' might just be better than 'doing everything, yet without hope'.
This post (everything before this line) was drafted on September 6th and truth be told, by now I've forgotten what this post was originally meant for. But reading it back, I would say that stepping out of school, I've finally came to realise the meaning of those little bits of training we received while carrying out our prefectorial duties back at SMKSJ.
Our seniors always told us not to lean against the wall/table/tree/anything lean-able while duty-ing(as we used to call it). I didn't really know what it was for, I just followed what they said.
Now, for example; whenever I see waitresses at restaurants leaning against the empty tables/chairs while not serving customers, I feel that it's actually quite disrespectful for the onlookers and it makes them look lazy and sometimes, rude. Well, maybe not that bad, but it just doesn't look good. After all, they're at work, on duty.
Thinking of this, I finally knew why we weren't encouraged to (or perhaps even allowed to) lean during duty time. It makes people look very slack and as if they don't respect their duties(and customers, in some cases).
Prefect duties and its trainings. That's one of the little things in the past that I think matters quite a lot when you're out at work. I believe some of my fellow prefect friends would agree with me that the prefectorial duties have indeed helped us a lot in the sense that they shaped us to become who we are today; more or less.
So, everything happens for a reason. I'd say it's true.
I loved the prefectorial duties part, because I felt the same way! To this day I still sometimes stand as if I'm on duty!
ReplyDeleteAnd the picture! Well I didn't hate school, but I definitely miss it...
Thinking of it now, I have to say it wasn't school that I hated. I hated exams ;D