Sunday, November 06, 2011


Ever since I learnt about this Malay short story titled 'Pusaran' in Form 4, Hari Raya Korban (also: Hari Raya Haji, or Eid al-Adha) has always reminded me of the story.

Synopsis I found online.
The story is about a little boy, Junid, who sees Pusaran, the cow his family reared, as his best friend since young. Years later, when Junid started to go to school, his parents thought it should be time they separate Junid and Pusaran, thus deciding to sacrifice it on the day of Hari Raya Korban (see: tradition and practices of Eid al-Adha).

When Junid arrived home after school and realised Pusaran was missing, he searched the village and finally found it at the place where it was going to be slaughtered. Junid ran to Pusaran and while hugging it, cried and told the villagers that he wanted to be killed together with it. The villagers then stopped the ceremony and advised Junid's father to talk to Junid before making a decision. Finally, the ceremony was cancelled and they promised not to part Junid and Pusaran.

Haha! Memories!
I remember liking this story a lot and I'd say besides the touching bits in it, the way our teacher discussed it in class had also added onto its interestingness.

So today, God bless all the sacrificed cows (and any other animals) and everyone, whether or not celebrating this festival. Selamat Hari Raya Haji and Happy Eid al-Adha to all the Muslims around!

Our Prime Minister(and his wife) left for Mecca to perform the haj pilgrimage. Hopefully he'll be back to make Malaysia a better place. Ahaa :D


  1. It's funny how we remember certain stories from our BM literature! I for one remember nothing about the one you talked about, but I do remember the one in English lit, How Dalat Got Its Name, and some BM one we learned about some huge bird who kidnapped a princess or something.

  2. I remember How Dalat Got Its Name too! Actually I remember quite a few from our English lit, BM very few, and I remember COMPLETELY NOTHING about a huge bird who kidnapped a princess! haha
