Monday, May 06, 2013


General Election in Malaysia. 

The world knows what happened when the sky turned dark and the lights went off last night. Do they? 

People are flooding me with political stories, stands, riots, petitions to be signed, etc. But for now I wonder - 'So what if the government won? So what if the opposition won instead? Would that change the fact that I have three assignments due end of this week?'

Sorry for being ignorant, but what's more important and more relatable to me now, instead of politics, are assignments. 

So yeah, a moment of silence, please. For the darkness of the country, or for my need to focus. A moment of silence. 

DAP balloon in the sky some time not too long
before election.
P.S.: 505! Not a very good date it seems. It's been screaming SOS even before the day arrived. 505 = SOS. :p  

Note: I'm not taking stands, at least not in this post. Thank you.

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