Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sochi 2014 - Yuzuru Hanyu

After Valentine's Day this year, the world probably went into Yuzuru Hanyu craze mode. The 19-year-old (turning 20 in December this year) became the first ever Asian man to win a gold medal in men's figure skating at the Winter Games... and he's cute.

[From left] Patrick Chan, Yuzuru Hanyu and Denis Ten at the victory
Sad to say I missed his performance that day because it was a Friday, and I have my fixed routines on Friday nights. I did however noticed Hanyu at the beginning of the games - I don't know how, I just happened to come across his name on Sochi's official site, and thought his name was interesting so I clicked in and checked out his profile. Little did I know that he was going to be a historical gold medallist a few days from then.

Dumbfounded that I missed that historical skate of his, I later looked up for videos of his previous tournaments- and I grew to like that boy even more. I love his ina bauers and spins (especially his biellmann, camel and donut spins). Incredible. I think his spins can even beat those of some female skaters'.  I saw some people commenting that Michael Christian Martinez does better biellmann spins, but I personally prefer Hanyu's. I even think Hanyu's biellmann spins are more charming than Plushenko's!

Hanyu's ina bauer.
But anyway, what really caught my attention - besides his performance on ice - was the fact that he was born and raised in Sendai, the city that was hit by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Hanyu's family were also victims of the disaster, and Hanyu had to stay at the emergency shelter for days after the hit. 

I suddenly remembered the strong emotions I had back then that I volunteered to donate stuff to help the victims. Maybe that was the 'magnetic' reason that made me click on his profile before the games even started, despite not knowing him before this?

Yeah, right. I think too much. hahaha 

Japan's Romeo, Sendai's prince. hehe
But this kid is really born for figure skating I think. I'm not a pro at figure skating commentary, but I think his body figure is one of the reasons that makes his spins and jumps look so good. He definitely doesn't have that macho build, but I guess it's meant for figure skating. 

And while some people may think he's a sissy, I think he's actually really manly in a way. A man who is serious and passionate about what he does is really charming. Don't you think? ;)

Now I'm really looking forward to see what more he'll achieve from now. Stay humble, and I wish him all the best - especially in getting another medal at the Pyeongchang Winter Games in 2018.

That gaze.
I hope he stays cute though. I'm now reminded of how adorable Lee Yong Dae was when he was Hanyu's age. Now he's all grown up, and he's not as cute anymore. Eheh, oh well. ;p

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