Sunday, October 30, 2011


I guess I -  or we, in general - am(are) like a caterpillar. A many-cocoon one, to be exact.

I got this thought because I the process of us growing and changing at different stages of life, is like a caterpillar shedding an old cocoon. We shed our old cocoons and become a new - and hopefully better - person, just that we don't only change them once, and we'll probably only turn into butterflies in our graves - because that's when we can be sure we won't change any more (well, not if you count decomposition).

Ew, I hate caterpillars, actually. :S
I noticed the changes in myself, too, throughout the years. In short I was a very dreamy person, and am now a more realistic one. I don't really create a world and live in it any more, and I learn to see the world and accept it as it is. Maybe I'll go into details in another update.

A friend said people are both sad and happy about the changes they've gone through. I guess perhaps, but for me I'd say it's more to the happy side. I've became a better person, anyway (...uh, I am a better person, ain't I?).  :D 

So anyway, caterpillar or not, that's about a sudden thought that came through my mind- again, in the bathroom (you see, good ideas often come by in the toilet and/or bathroom, don't they!).

Till then. Be happy!

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